Non-destructive, precision self-locking fastener technology
Our goal is to provide our customers with the highest performance all-metal fasteners, knowledgeable advice and timely technical assistance- whatever their industry and whatever the project size. Auto-Lok nut manufactures locknuts for safety and mission critical applications and our parts are TS16949:2009 - ISO 9001:208 certified and conform to national and international fastener standards.
Auto-Lok nut locknuts are depended on across industries like railroads, oil and gas, energy, compression, mining and defense.
Over 19 year of service proven performance continue to demonstrate clear results. Vastly improved performance and durability, less maintenance and fewer service interruptions.
Auto-lok nuts produce self-locking nuts from M2.5-M52, as well as full imperial line from 4-40 (6BA) to 3in. Materials include carbon steel, stainless steel A2-70/A4-80 and a large variety of finish and special grades of material. Additional advancements in surface treatment and design also now include a complete anti-galling solution for stainless steel nuts.
Auto-lok nut lock nuts employ an all-metal design made of a single unique material that require no insert. ALND derives its prevailing torque from two radially de-pitched locking slots positioned turret portion of the nut. The locking slots are opened by the bolt threads and apply precise and controlled locking torque directly on the thread flank. This locking form resist all forms of dynamic and cyclical vibration without damaging the bolt thread and ensures no galling during installation. This result in extremely consistent clamps forces using standards bolts and tools. Auto-lok nut has its main warehouse located in Belgium, we partner throughout the world.